Vacation: Business Office 2

The adjacent few days of our opor-garai were also wonderful! We stopped into Duluth to own got luncheon amongst Jesse's sis in addition to our niece in addition to nephew! Then it was off to Gooseberry Falls for a SHORT hike (I can't become every bit good far, summation it wasn't precisely "cooler past times the lake" that day). 

29 weeks!

Wally was VERY pop amongst the kids that were are the falls. Not every bit good many people convey their dogs, fifty-fifty though it is a really pet-friendly State Park!
Then I decided to own my macro filter when nosotros got dorsum to the lake in addition to our oldest nephew had simply happened to detect this beauty! We're pretty certain it volition plow into an American Dagger Moth.

Got a few bonus bloom photos...check out the sneaky petty spider on the daisy!

This simply makes me laugh, in addition to therefore I had to post it. I'm non 100% certain of the dorsum story, but our oldest nephew likes to telephone phone my dad a hippie ("hey, yous hippie!"), which is close the furthest affair from what my dad is...

Finally, what would a solar daytime at the lake endure without witnessing i of these! I dear that the lake shore faces West, in addition to therefore nosotros pretty much larn these beautiful sunsets every night. I own non to accept it for granted.

Still...more to come!

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